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Become a Member of the Erie County Bar Association

Membership Application

To become a member of the Erie County Bar Association, please complete our online application and submit it to the Erie County Bar Association. If you have any questions regarding the application or membership please contact us at (814)459-3111 or

Membership Categories

Active Members

A lawyer is eligible for active membership in this Association:

  • If such practicing lawyer is a member of the legal profession and has his/her primary residence, primary office or primary place of employment in Erie County, Pennsylvania.
  • If such lawyer is a Judge of a Court of record, the jurisdiction of which includes Erie County.
  • Only active members of this Association shall be entitled to vote at meetings of members or hold elective office in this Association.

Associate Members

The following persons may make applications for Associate memberships:

  • A non-practicing member of the legal profession who is a resident of Erie County, or a retired or former active member of the Erie County Bar Association.
  • Any practicing member of the legal profession who does not qualify for active membership under Section 2.A. of this Article.
  • Associate Members shall not vote at meetings of members, hold elective office in this Association, participate in the Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS), participate as a mediator in the Association's mediation program, or vote in the judicial election or retention plebiscites.  Associate members shall be eligible for appointment to any of the Association's Sections, Divisions, and committees other than Nominating, Bylaws, Budget, and Personnel.  Subject to the preceding and such additional limitations as shall be approved by the Board of Directors from time to time, associate members shall be entitled to all services and notices provided to members of the Association.
  • To qualify for Associate membership, a non-practicing member of the legal profession or retired Judge of a state or federal Court within Pennsylvania, or a retired or former active member of the Erie County Bar Association must have been in good standing with the admitting court(s) and the Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board at the time they stopped practicing and/or retired from the legal profession.

Law Student Member

  • A student is eligible for Law Student membership in this Association if the student is currently enrolled at an American Bar Association accredited law school, or has graduated from an accredited law school but has not yet completed or received the results of the Pennsylvania Bar Exam within one year of graduation from law school.
  • Subject to the limitations below and any others as may be approved by the Board of Directors, law student members shall be entitled to all services and notices provided to members of the Association. They shall be eligible to participate in any of the Association's Sections, Divisions, and Committees other than Nominating, Bylaws, Budget and Personnel. They shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of members, hold elective office in this Association, participate in the Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS), participate as a mediator in the Association's mediation program, or vote in the judicial election or retention plebiscites.


A member of the legal profession may be made an honorary member of this Association by a vote of the Board of Directors.

  • Honorary members shall not vote at meetings of members, hold elective office in this Association, participate in the Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS), participate as a mediator in the Association's mediation program, or vote in the judicial election or retention plebiscites. Honorary members shall be eligible for appointment to any of the Association's Sections, Divisions, and Committees other than Nominating, Bylaws, Budget and Personnel. Subject to the preceding and such additional limitations as shall be approved by the Board of Directors from time to time, honorary members shall be entitled to all services and notices provided to members of the Association.

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Please check one of the following membership categories for which you are eligible:
Active Member
admitted to the practice of law with your primary place of employment or primary residence in Erie County, PA
Associate Member
a) admitted to the practice of law but non-practicing, retired or a former Active member of the ECBA; or,
b) a practicing attorney whose primary practice and primary residence is not in Erie County, PA
Law Student currently enrolled in an ABA accredited law school or has not yet completed or received the results of the PA Bar Exam within one year of graduation from law school. (NOTE: much of the information requested in this application will not be applicable to student members; complete what is applicable.)
PA Supreme Court ID #:
Primary Place of Employment
Firm/Office/Company Name:
Street Address:
Phone & Fax:
Education/Court Admission/Practice
Law School
Month/Year Graduated
Courts to which you are admitted Date of admission
Are you a member of the bar in good standing in each of the above courts?:
If no, indicate current status with each court and give details in an email to the bar.
Yes No
Are you practicing law in Erie, PA?: Yes No
If no, do you intend to and when?:
Provide a brief description of the current make-up of your law practice and statement of your practice plans for the immediate future:
If you practice in any county other than Erie, Pennsylvania, list each county and the percentage of your practice there:
Are you employed FULL TIME by a state, federal or local government entity or agency: Yes No
Are you a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association?
(Mandatory for “Active” members per ECBA Bylaws)
Yes     No
If no, do you agree to be added to PBA's membership rolls and invoiced for PBA dues by the ECBA? Yes     No
PA CLE Compliance Group (if assigned) 1 2 3
Primary Residence
Birthdate (mm/dd/yy):
Marital Status:
Spouse's Name:
Residence Street Address:
Residence City:
Residence State:
Residence Zip:
Residence Phone:
Cell Phone:
Personal Email:
Communication Preferences
Members receive much of their information via Email. When/if a hard copy is also available, do you want to receive it?
Yes     No, E-mail only
My preferred mailing address for ECBA materials is (select one)
Business     Home
My preferred Email address for ECBA communications is (select one)
Business     Home
Content and goals of each Section are driven by the needs of that particular Section. They are designed to facilitate meaningful meetings among those with common practice-area interests, to share information of interest and to enhance your practice through builtin opportunities to network with your peers.
Membership in Practice Sections is FREE and will allow you to be part of the listserv, join meetings and to receive notification of all events and seminars specific to each section.
Alternate Dispute Resolution
Civil Litigation
Criminal Practice
Estates and Trusts
Family Law
Municipal Law
Real Estate
Workers’ Compensation
ECBA Committees are comprised of members who agree to complete a specific task. Members may request working on an many committees as they would like, as long as they agree to be an active participant
AKT 5k Run/Walk - Develops and organizes this annual event in cooperation with the Erie Runner’s Club; work at the event itself; assist with the fundraising that benefits the AKT Program.
Fee Dispute - As a community service, committee members attempt to resolve disagreements over fees, without charge and without involvement of the Court. The process includes Mediation first, followed by arbitration if necessary. Arbitrators are those on the Fee Dispute Committee, assigned to panels by the Committee Chair
Judicial - Oversees the process for evaluating judicial candidates in both judicial elections and retentions
Law Day - Organizes this annual public luncheon, including reviewing/making recommendations for speakers; reviewing/making recommendations to the ECBA Board regarding nominations for Chancellor of the Bar and Liberty Bell recipients
Mock Trials - Facilitates and oversees local high school teams participating in the PBA Statewide Mock Trial Competition. Through the staging of simulated jury trials, students gain a better understanding of the legal profession and judicial system. Teams compete locally with winners advancing to regional, state and national competitions. Members of this committee serve as bailiffs and timekeepers on the days of the trials
Personnel - Committee is comprised of labor & employment attorneys, ECBA Past Presidents and Board Members. The committee meets yearly to recommend ECBA staff salaries/benefits to the Budget Committee
Unauthorized Practice of Law - Committee convenes as needed to investigate allegations of the unauthorized practice of law by individuals not admitted to the practice and follows up as appropriate in each situation.
I hereby certify that the foregoing information is accurate and complete and that checking this box represents and replaces my physical signature.   

Membership Benefits

How does a membership benefit you?
  • ECBA top-quality CLE Seminars with "Members Only" rates - Saving you $180/year - more than pays for your annual local dues!
  • Lawyer Referral & Information Service - Participate and gain new clients
  • Mediation Services - Available to help you assist your clients with resolving their disputes more quickly and economically
  • Access to ECBA's "Member " website featuring:
    • Download current legal/court forms
    • Local Civil, Criminal and Orphans' Court Rules
    • Legal Journal opinions, archived
    • Helpful Charts & Lists
    • Erie County Title Standards Manual
    • Tuesday's Technology Tips, archived
  • Handy links to other useful websites and much more  
  • Members' Websites are Linked on the ECBA site for FREE - Do we have yours?
  • ECBA E-Newsletter - Keeping you up-to-date on the events and happenings of your association
  • FREE hard copy of the Annual Alphabetic Attorney List - Handy access to members' names, office addresses/phone/fax/E-mail
  • Videoconferencing services - Save time and money when conducting business with individuals who are out-of-town
  • FREE use of ECBA Conference Room - Handicapped accessible
  • Dues waived - local and state - For attorneys new to the practice of law
  • Social Events - Including the Annual Charity Golf Tournament; Mid-Year Meeting; Annual Meeting with Holiday Cocktail Party; Holiday Dinner Party and more
  • Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers - Confidential help for attorneys experiencing drug, alcohol, gambling or mental health problems
  • InCite - FREE legal research for PBA members - More than recoups your state annual dues!
  • Erie County Legal Journal via E-Mail - Ensures that you see each week's issue immediately upon publication
  • Sections - Practice-oriented; designed to provide practical professional tools, opportunities, and connections you can't find anywhere else; includes Bankruptcy, Business & Commercial Law, Civil Litigation, Criminal Practice, Estates & Trusts, Family Law, Real Estate, Workers' Compensation
  • Divisions - Demographic oriented; provide a forum for the exchange of ideas/information and support for members who are Solo/Small Firm Practitioners and/or Young Lawyers
  • ECBA Staff - Knowledgeable, helpful, friendly and always willing to assist ECBA members in any way possible
How does a membership benefit the community?
  • Attorneys & Kids Together (AKT) - ECBA's signature community project - Supporting the educational needs of students living in homeless situations
  • Lawyer Referral & Information Service - Be part of our ABA accredited referral service as we help connect individuals and businesses with local attorneys who can assist them
  • Mediation - Qualified ECBA members assist individuals and businesses in resolving their disputes more quickly and economically
  • LAVA - Legal Volunteer Attorneys (since 1981) - Offers low-income individuals free legal assistance in certain civil matters
  • Speakers Bureau - Participate in speaking to community groups on a variety of legal topics
  • Fee Dispute Process - Assist clients if they have questions, concerns or disagreements about fees charged by their attorney
  • Naturalization Ceremonies - Welcome new citizens into our community
  • Living Trust Brochures - FREE copies available to members of the community
  • Videoconferencing Services - Saving local companies time and money as they conduct business with out-of-town customers or interview potential employees